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linqi Update as of 23.06.2021

· One min read

⭐️ Features

  • Full-screen messages: You can now select in the configuration of the action Display message that a message is displayed full-screen. This will then be displayed very present with a corresponding icon instead of the form.

  • Disable breadcrumb navigation: You can disable breadcrumb navigation in the properties of a process.

  • Multi-select process nodes: You can now select multiple nodes at once within the Process Designer. To do this, you can hold down CTRL and drag a selection area in the drawing area.
    This allows you to move multiple nodes at once.
    If you have selected nodes, you can also delete several nodes with DEL.
    In the minimap area at the bottom left, there is now also a button that opens a help that explains these keyboard shortcuts.

  • Copy Nodes: Once you have selected one, or more nodes, you can hold down CTRL and drag a node to copy it.

🐞 Bug fixes.

  • Small bug fixes: Fixed various minor spelling errors, etc.