linqi update as of 27.04.2024
⭐️ Features
Redo / Undo: Within the process designer, form designer, dashboard designer and template designer, you can now undo or redo actions you have performed. To do this, you can either use the corresponding buttons or Ctrl+Z or Ctrl+Y.
Time-controlled process start: You can now start a process on a time-controlled basis via a new action. For example, you can start a process once a day or on the 1st Monday of each month. You can determine for which persons a process is started.
Withdraw process publication: You can now withdraw a published process. If a process publication is withdrawn, this process can no longer be started. Time-controlled processes are also no longer triggered, etc.
Form preview: A preview function is now available to make the creation of forms even quicker and easier. This displays the form as people who execute the form will see it later. This allows you to test rules, for example.
Note: Placeholders are not resolved here as there is no reference to a running process. -
Lookup lists file columns: Lookup lists now allow you to create a file column. In such a column, you can upload files or write via the corresponding actions.
More lookup list customisations: In addition to the new file type, it is now also possible to adjust the order of lookup list columns or copy rows. To simplify operation, the comparison value in the placeholder configuration has also been moved upwards.
Metadata aggregation fields: It is now possible to create an aggregation field for the process header metadata. These allow the values of metadata of the elements of the process to be added together, etc.
In this way, you can, for example, calculate the effort recorded for the individual elements to determine the total effort of a process. -
Display metadata in process lists: The standard metadata fields in a business unit can now be displayed in the process list. For example, you can display the effort directly in the process overview.
Internal names for form controls and sections: In some cases, it happened that customers had multiple controls with the same name on a form or wanted to set up a rule for a section without a name. In this case, it was difficult to clearly identify the correct element in placeholders. We have now created a way to assign internal names to these elements. These names are not displayed to users, but are used to create placeholders or rules.
Multi-line text column in the table control: The table control in forms now allows you to create multi-line text columns to capture longer texts.
Pentest adjustments: Arnoldas Radisauskas from the NATO Cyber Security Centre has carried out a penetration test of linqi. The vulnerabilities found were closed in this update. The cloud environment is not affected by these vulnerabilities.
SharePoint Managed Metadata Selection: The SharePoint actions now allow you to select values for managed metadata fields via a corresponding dialogue. This makes it easier to select values, especially if there are duplicate entries with the same name.
Minor UX customisations: Various minor UX customisations have been implemented, such as grouping elements by sections and forms when creating form rules.
🐞 Bug fixes
Dashboard priority mandatory field: The priority of a dashboard is no longer a mandatory field.
Moving pool elements: In some cases, a pool was incorrectly adjusted in the BPMN 2.0 Designer when an element was moved without a change being necessary.