linqi Update as of 31.07.2022
⭐️ Features
Graphic Tools: The process designer has been enhanced to allow inserting graphical elements such as swimlanes, lines, rectangles and text annotations. This new feature makes it possible to design processes in a clearer and more concise way, for example by grouping actions and forms according to actors.
Error handling in actions: It is now possible to include error handling in the process for actions with external connections such as SharePoint or Exchange. This means that if a third party system is not reachable, for example, you as the process designer can react to errors. This allows you, for example, to provide feedback to users, display a separate form, or even ignore the error.
Miscellaneous small UX improvements: To simplify working with linqi we have implemented several small UX improvement. For example, it is now possible to switch from the dashboard designer directly to the dashboard.
🐞 Bug fixes.
- Various small bug fixes in the SharePoint Connector: The SharePoint Connector has been enhanced to better handle calculated fields and multiple selection fields.